Green Hydrogen is the fuel of the future and significant developments are already taking place on a European level with…
Climate change significantly affects the shipping sector and has direct and indirect impacts, which could potentially disrupt shipping activities, increase…
A new collaboration has begun for our company with the lawyer Mrs. Dimitra Georgaki. Mrs. Georgaki has specialized in Commercial…
The country’s production activity, which was affected by the recent floods and fires must be restored immediately and the insurance…
We are proud to announce that MStR LAW has been ranked as one of Greece’s top and most rapidly expanding law…
Pursuant to the provisions of Decision No. YΠΕΝ/ΓΔE/84014/7123/12-8-2022 of the Minister of Energy (Government Gazette 4333 B΄/12-8-2022) the priority framework…
By decision No. 123726/5096/2021 (Government Gazette B, no. 6250/27-12-2021) of the Minister of Environment and Energy, which was adopted pursuant…
Based on the Proposal for a Directive on VAT rates of the EU Council of Finance Ministers, adopted on 7…
The recent Greek Law 4839/2021 (Government Gazette A΄181/02-10-2021) included important urgent measures to support the Greek economy and entrepreneurship in…
The recent Greek law 4839/2021 (Official Gazette issue A΄181/02-10-2021) includes generous tax reductions and exemptions, including regarding the taxation of…