Based on the Proposal for a Directive on VAT rates of the EU Council of Finance Ministers, adopted on 7…
The recent Greek Law 4839/2021 (Government Gazette A΄181/02-10-2021) included important urgent measures to support the Greek economy and entrepreneurship in…
The recent Greek law 4839/2021 (Official Gazette issue A΄181/02-10-2021) includes generous tax reductions and exemptions, including regarding the taxation of…
In the context of the restart of the Greek economy and the efforts to boost investment activity, the Greek legislator…
Die Energieregulierungsbehörde (RAE) hat die Bekanntmachung für die nächste Ausschreibung Erneuerbarer Energien in 2021 veröffentlicht. Mit ihrer Entscheidung 1648/2020 (RegZ…
On 29.7.2020, the Greek Parliament voted law Nr. 4714/2020, which includes significant amendments to tax provisions. Pursuant to article 1…
The new environmental law, Nr 4685/2020 brings simplification and significant acceleration of the environmental licensing procedure of Renewable Energy Sources…
[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] Transfer of tax residence in Greece (Non-Dom Taxation) [/av_textblock] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] A new Tax…
A key aspect of the international cooperation between tax administrations is exchange of tax information. While up until recently, the…
We celebrated with our associates from the Chinese Embassy the 70th birthday of the People’s Republic of China.